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Showing posts from May 10, 2016

Anticorruption Approaches

Tackling corruption is not easy, if it were corruption would not be as prevalent and pervasive as it is in many places around the world. Those who commit corrupt acts have every incentive to get away with them.  Moreover, as we eliminate some corrupt behaviors, actors adapt and create new ways to obtain unfair advantages. Therefore, addressing corruption is much like shooting at a moving target yet the consequences of corruption make learning how to tackle these issues an urgent necessity. So how can responses to corruption bring about meaningful change? How do you motivate and teach people how to fight against corruption?  In this paper, it can be observed that anti-corruption measures going from prevention to prosecution while also addressing education as a way to provide a foundation to corruption prevention and governance building. The approaches which can be used for Anti-corruption are listed under: 1. Prevention 2. An inter-agency coordinating body 3. Transparency