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Showing posts from May 2, 2016

Retail and Real Estate Market Analysis

The Purposes of Retail and Real Estate market analysis is needed to understand the following: ( This can be a helpful kit for the interested candidates who want to know more about "Real Estate Market and  want to Invest on it") A way to share my level of skills and understanding. Assess market feasibility for economic uses and type of development at specific sites. Define target industries to attract to a community or development projects. Determine market potential/recruitment targets for commercial districts. Improve understanding of customer markets for existing businesses to inform technical assistance and promotion work. Inform zoning and project design for land use, project and site planning. Feasibility analysis and planning for development finance institutions. Further, Qualitative and Quantitative method should be undertaken to analyze the market with the following four steps: Demand si

"Gender and Renewable Energy"

" Women are the primary energy users in the household, as they perform most household chores that require energy, like cooking, washing, and cleaning, and are therefore in a good position to monitor and manage energy use". Women also tend to be more receptive to energy efficiency measures. For example, in Europe, recent studies have shown that single men use up to 25 percent more energy than single women, and women have been found to be more receptive than men to energy efficiency efforts and more likely to change their behavior to save energy. However, women are not always involved in making decisions about use of energy sources or appliances, particularly in traditional contexts, and they often lack access to finance for investing in energy efficient appliances, either in their homes or in their businesses. In addition, women often lack access to information on energy efficient technologies. A recent study in the Europe and Central Asia region showed that